These are obviealy the rules of my website so do not ignore them!
No pornographic pictures consecuence degree: 10
No Violent pictures either' consecuence degree: 8
Respect others if you have been abused in any way or form report it to me (Silver Snow) consecuence degree: 9
Use an appropriate language consecuence degree: 7
No spamming!
consecuence degree: 7
No sending illegal content nor writing illegal downloads in the guest book and/or chat box.
consecuence degree: 8
No using ANY of the Balto pictures,drawings,quotes,soundtracks,quotes,and such without
my permission(copyright!). exept if they aren't mine and are borrowed in that case you will have to ask their creators (their
copyright!) consecuence degree: 8.7
NO mates consecuence degree: 9
No dating consecuence
degree: 9
Don't give out personall data consecuence degree: 8.1
Talk about balto (yes since this a Balto website) : )
Consequences and warnings,
If you ever violate any of these rules first you will
get a strong warning I will e-mail you about it, if you do it again you get banned for a week and at the third time
you violate them you will be forced out of R.S & B.
Consecuense degrees
Consecuence degrees are used to measure the punishment you will get check the
following chart to check degree punishment.
And remember trying to make this site a safer place to be!
Dedree chart
6- Not much, I only give you a warning not very strong but still don't ignore it. trust
me you wouldn't like me when I am angry : )
7-You get a strong warning making shure the thing you did wrong doesn't happen again
this warning will have more reminders and won't be "nice".
8-Stop! no warning now, you get banned for 32 hours.
9 -You get both a small rules form about "last nice chance" and banned for 1 week.
10- Depending in how much damage was made you get banned for 1 year or permanently.
Forums Rules
NO pornography.
NO exessive violence
NO threatening anyone.
No mates
No idiotic games either!
No sending/putting up anything elligal.
Respect others if you are abused in any way or form report it to me! (Silver Snow)
No spaming
Treat EVERYBODY equaly.
NO Topics about "Hot" members; exaple: if you had to date someone who would you date?. Nothing
Consecuence degrees are for this rules are the same as the upper ones.
is copyrighted to universal studios and amblin entertainmet, I don't take any copyright for the Balto charactersand