The official fan listing!
The largest Balto community Balto source
The Balto petition site
This is a petiton made about a year ago (from this update) to Univesal studios this petition
was intended to get a sequel and/or franshice sadly it failed, but it should not be forgoten so here it is,
sign it if you want to but it won't really change anything.
Jenna Argentina- the only Balto site to be in spanish!
The Secret Ice cave, brand new and so far so good!
Not a Balto site but a pretty calm board.
Another Balto site with new data and pretty well designed,
not very popular but defenetly is a 8.3/10
Time of the Wolf a bit old board, another quiet place to be, not about Balto though.
Forever Aniau site focused on Aniu (Balto's mom) pretty good check it out,
Neopets -Not a a Balto site but the games can be fun.