Rain Snow and Balto
Balto Screen Shots
Do not use any of this screen shots for your website without asking me first.
Balto sitting on the boat looking to Nome Steele stepping on Balto's paw Balto arrives to Nome smiling Balto gets yelled at by Rosy's dad Balto writing on tree
Balto sitting on the boat looking to Nome
Steele stepping on Balto's paw
Balto arrives to Nome smiling
Balto gets yelled at by Rosy's dad
Balto writing on tree
Steele bitting Balto balto (steele's fangs) Balto first sees the white wolf leaves The whites wolf walks away from Balto Balto First sees Jenna and Rosy
Balto is copyrighted to universal studios and amblin entertainmet, I don't take any copyright for the Balto charactersand such. I am just an obssessed fan.
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