Rain Snow and Balto


Entry page
Balto 1
Balto3,Wings of Change
Fan Stuff
Balto Downloads and Goodies

Some people might have some questions, so here they are
Q= Question

There have been some problems with sending E-mails so here I will post my E-mail adress,
Q:How do I send documents to the website?
A: Just E-mail them to me
Q: What files types are accepted?
A: JPG , when sending a video please upload it to put file and such servers (go to clips/music sent by fan at bottom of page for more servers)
Q: Do I have to read the rules?
A: yep, not the whole page just the main site rules.
Q: Can I come here when I don't like Balto just to chat or because I just want a place to meet new people?
A: Defenetly NOT,  if you come here it must be because like Balto, R.S.B is not a place to get a boyfriend/girlfriend but you may make normal friends and talk to them as long as you have in mind this is a Balto site.
Q:Why are some pages incompleted?
A: Because I don't have enough time to work in the site, I have been very busy lately.
Q: Can I use some of the picturtes on my site?
A: I f you ask for permission you may use them if you don't you may not use them.



Balto is copyrighted to universal studios and amblin entertainmet,  I don't take any copyright for the Balto charactersand such. 
I am just an obssessed fan.    

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